Yes it’s true, my journey to DevOps has finally arrived!

After 10 years of hard work and grinding, I am finally where I wanted to be. I have accepted my first offer as a Associate DevOps Engineer! Most people who know me will know that I did not have the most traditional route to get into DevOps. If you are curious as to my journey to get a DevOps job offer, feel free to read my blog regarding my personal work history and experience.

For the rest of you who have been keeping up, I just wanted to thank everyone who supported me throughout this journey to get here. I honestly could not have done any of this without the support of my family, friends, and loved ones who carried me through the tough and challenging times. I am here today because of you guys.

First 2 Weeks so far . . .

Without trying to disclose too much, my first 2 weeks as a DevOps Engineer has been nothing short of amazing! My team is awesome and very helpful getting me up to speed on the job responsibilities and introducing me to other teams that I will be working with. I will be working with Middleware Applications (Kafka, Elastic, Vault, etc.) and handling the infrastructure side of things so utilizing a lot of Terraform as well. The role also consists of working in the CI/CD (GitHub Actions, Terraform) pipeline for internal tooling and applications as well. There are a ton of new technology that I have been learning and just super excited for the next couple of months to dive deeper into it.

Struggles So Far

I think the one thing for me about starting any new job is wanting to just learn everything all at once and be helpful to the team right away. Although this mentality is great to have in the workforce, I know that I also have to be realistic. My manager and team have told me that they don’t expect any real work from me right away, and I have heard this in most of my interviews as well. It is more of my own mindset that I wanted to work and get the job done right away and, I need to take my time and learn the material well. Most people say it takes about 6 months to a year to really be able to settle into the job role, and I think that makes a lot of sense, especially in a role that may be more technical and has a larger learning curve.

To Be Continued . . .

I will post an update on how its going at the 6 month mark regarding my journey IN DevOps. I will also continued posting blogs about new technologies that I found and think are interesting in the DevOps World. Again, feel free to reach out to me at my email for questions or if you just want to chat about DevOps!

Thank you for reading and see you on the next one!